Temperatura del sensore: scaldato compensato a temperatura
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The CERAVAC transmitters with an advanced all-welded INCONEL® and stainless steel sensor and microprocessor-based electronics offer excellent accuracy and reproducibility. The CTR 100 N and CTR 101 N allow gas type independent pressure measurements and are able to tolerate bursts of pressure without suffering physical damage or calibration shifts. The robust sensor is suited for the most corrosive processes as the sensor is highly resistant to corrosion from common process chemicals. 


Advantages to the User

 Excellent accuracy and long-term stability
 Very good temperature compensation regardless of ambient conditions
 Highly resistant against corrosion and aggressive gases
 Fast and accurate response to pressure changes
 Improved reliability by high overpressure rating
 Serial Interface (RS 232 protocol)
 Zero adjust push button
 Optional heated (45 °C) version offers 2x better accuracy


Typical Applications

 General vacuum measurement and control with very low measurement uncertainty
 Fore and medium vacuum pressure measurement
 Research & Development
 System process control
 Chemical and Semiconductor processes
 LED and solar cell manufacturing
 Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
 Reference sensor for calibration systems


INCONEL® is a registered trademark of Inco Alloys International, Inc.

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